Monday, November 18, 2013

Bonfire by Strangers (chord)

Yap! Akhirnya setelah berbulan-bulan mencari gue berhasil menemukan chordnya! Terima kasih atas bantuannya @IndraBaonk. Check this out!


E D# C# B
F#m D# C# B F#m

E D# C# B F#m
Show me your love no need to get rush and sing
E D# C# B
Destiny calls to where we are now
Together we laughed and cry till we drown

E D# C# B F#m
Tears flowing hard when you feel alone inside
E D# C# B
Open your eyes you've already got
The company that you need is within a smile

C#m F#m
Bless me with all your heart
G#m A..... E F#m G#m A F#m
Hold me with all your might.... uuuuuuuuuuu~

Back to Intro.

9 4 2 B
I'm here to love you if you let me to
A G#m C#m F#m
Listen to me, be patient with me

E F#m G#m C#m
Come on, come here and sing with me
A B E D# C# B A B....
E F#m G#m A F#m

Bonfire merupakan sebuah single dari Strangers, band Indonesia dari Bandung. Lagunya easy-listening banget, sok mangga atuh yang mau dengerin lagunya Strangers - Bonfire.

Keterangan: 9 4 2 itu maksudnya fret ke 9 ke 4 dan ke 2, yang di pencet senar ke-2 sama ke-3 aja. Have fun and enjoy it!


Unknown said...

thanks pisan bray

cheseecracker said...

Sama-sama sob, btw kalo ada yang kurang chordnya bisa kali feedbacknya hahaha